
Barton Medical Ltd


Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Systems


Pulse Press Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) systems provide valuable therapeutic benefits in the prevention of leg ulcers, reduction of lymphedema, and treatment of sports injuries. Their ability to enhance circulation, reduce swelling, and promote tissue healing makes them a valuable tool in various healthcare settings, ranging from wound care clinics and lymphedema management centres to sports medicine and rehabilitation facilities.

In leg ulcer prevention, IPC systems are employed as part of a comprehensive management approach for individuals at risk or with a history of leg ulcers. By enhancing blood circulation in the lower limbs, IPC systems promote venous return and reduce venous stasis. The cyclic compression and decompression action helps prevent blood pooling, minimizing the risk of skin breakdown and the development of ulcers. IPC systems can be programmed with specific pressure settings and timing intervals, tailored to the individual's needs for optimal effectiveness.

In sports injury treatment, IPC systems can be utilized to facilitate recovery and rehabilitation. Following an injury, such as a sprain, strain, or muscle tear, IPC therapy aids in reducing swelling and promoting tissue healing. By increasing blood flow to the affected area, IPC systems help deliver essential nutrients, oxygen, and growth factors to support tissue repair. Additionally, IPC therapy can help alleviate pain and improve joint mobility, enhancing the overall recovery process for athletes and active individuals.

For lymphedema reduction, IPC systems aid in the management of chronic swelling caused by impaired lymphatic function. The sequential compression delivered by the sleeves or cuffs stimulates lymphatic flow, promoting the removal of excess fluid and reducing swelling. IPC therapy can be used as part of a comprehensive lymphedema treatment plan, complementing other modalities such as manual lymphatic drainage and compression garments. The adjustable pressure settings of IPC systems allow for customization based on the patient's comfort and tolerance levels.


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